
hello spiritual beings!
the NOW COSMIC tribe wanted to create a space and tool for you to find affirmations to implement into your human experience. we hope these find you well, raise your vibe, and truly allow you to radiate more as a spiritual being.
☆ "everything in my life is working out BEST case scenario"
☆ "success and abundance flow to me naturally and with ease"
☆ "I am worthy of my own love"
☆ "the more I listen to my intuition and follow it's wisdom, the more extraordinary my life becomes"
☆ "I am a shinning star. I surround myself with people who recognize and encourage my brightness"
☆ "I am transparent, what you see is what you get, and I love that about myself"
☆ "I encourage intimate and meaningful connections"
☆ "I am gentle yet fierce"
☆ "I am and will always be supported by the universe"
☆ "I am a magnet for good people and abundance"
☆ "I give myself love and encouragement to face me fears"
☆ "I am a beautiful cosmic light, and that is enough"
☆ "even in the darkest of times, there is a light shinning inside of me"
☆ "every day I feel lighter and more with ease"
☆ "I am experiencing my success story in this very moment"
☆ "I am thankful for all valleys and peaks in my healing journey"
☆ "I surrender to divine timing. I trust the universe, my guides, and God"
☆ "I let it go and let it flow"
☆ "I release attachment and allow shifts to occur to bring me closer to greater alignment"
☆ "I trust, honor, nurture, and LOVE myself"
☆ "as I release fear and stress about things I cannot control, I flow with more ease and attract abundance into my life"
☆ "balance, energy, and inspiration is flowing into my life"
☆ "I know there's a bigger plan that whats currently in front of me"
☆ "things are working out better than I could have ever imagined"